Sunday, October 18, 2020

Malaysia’s Covid19 fatality rate lower than global figures

PETALING JAYA: The country’s Covid-19 fatality rates are much lower compared to other countries globally despite recording higher deaths lately, say health experts.

As of Saturday, Malaysia’s case fatality rate (CFR) was 0.9%, said Universiti Malaya Department of Social and Preventive Medicine Faculty of Medicine Prof Dr Moy Foong Ming.

“By comparing total Covid-19 deaths and CFR in selected countries and global trends, Malaysia’s statistics are on the low side, ” she said.

CFR is the ratio between total confirmed deaths and total confirmed cases.

According to the Our World in Data Covid-19 dataset in Asean region, Singapore recorded the lowest CFR with less than 0.1% while Thailand, the Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam and Indonesia recorded 1.6%, 1.9%, 2%, 2.4%, 3.1% and 3.5%, respectively, as of Saturday.

Outside Asean, the United States recorded a CFR of 2.7% while the United Kingdom (6.3%), South Korea (1.8%) and Japan (1.8%).

The statistics by the Health Ministry’s Institute for Clinical Research on Oct 13 noted that the country’s CFR was at 1% which meant that for every 100 person infected with the virus, one person might die.

Universiti Malaya epidemiologist Prof Datuk Dr Awang Bulgiba Awang Mahmud agreed that deaths seemed to be occurring more frequently but rates were actually falling.

“Malaysia’s case fatality rate was around 1.4% in June and it’s now 0.9%. This fall is actually due to the much larger increase in the number of cases, for example, the denominator has increased faster than the numerator. So, the rising number of deaths is keeping with the rising number of cases and is to be expected, ” he said.

But he said the CFR was a rather simplistic way of calculating the death rate, adding that it was also difficult to make direct comparisons with other countries’ death rates as they defined Covid-19 deaths differently, and the varying testing rates make it “not really comparable”.

“Worldwide, the trend does show that more older persons are dying of Covid-19 but we need to look at each country’s demographics before making any sweeping conclusion.

“Our death rate is much lower than many countries – the US, UK, Italy, France and Sweden – which have much more developed health systems than us, ” he said.

In terms of the death rates per million population, Universiti Putra Malaysia medical epidemiologist and biostatistician Assoc Prof Dr Malina Osman said Malaysia’s death rate was lower compared to the global rates.

She said Malaysia only recorded six deaths per million population compared to Indonesia at 45 and the Philippines at 60. Singapore had five deaths per million population.

Since the beginning of the third wave of infections, the country has seen 44 deaths just in October compared to the last three months.

Malaysia recorded a total of 187 deaths as of yesterday.

The Health Ministry’s statistics showed that more than 65% of the deaths were those aged above 60; the highest deaths were recorded among those in their 60s at 30.6%.

Those in their 50s recorded 19.1% of the deaths, while people in their 70s recorded 21%. Those aged above 80 recorded 14%.

But those who were less than 30, between 30 and 39, and those between 40 and 49 reported lower death rates at 2.5%, 5.7% and 7%, respectively.

The statistics also revealed that the fatality involved mostly men (72%).

More than 80% of the victims have at least one underlying medical condition.

The data showed that 70% of those who had died had diabetes followed by high blood pressure (64.9%), heart disease (23.4%), high cholesterol (19%), kidney disease (16.2%), lung disease (8.4%), cancer (5.2%) and liver disease (1.9%).

Dr Moy noted that obesity was an important risk factor that had been reported in other countries, but not reported in our country’s data probably because BMI is not routinely collected.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

PKPB d Sandakan, i Tuaran, Papar dan Klang bermula 9 Okt 2020

Kerajaan telah bersetuju untuk melaksanakan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat di daerah Sandakan, Tuaran, Papar dan Klang bermula 12.01 tengah malam 9 Oktober 2020.

Stay safe semua. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Suami Youtuber terkenal direman 3 hari, disyaki pukul Isteri (Masih dalam siasatan)

SUAMI kepada seorang Youtuber masakan terkenal dibawa ke Mahkamah Majistret Ipoh hari ini.
Difahamkan ia bagi mendapatkan perintah reman berhubung susulan laporan polis oleh Youtuber berkenaan yang mendakwa dicederakan.
Sementara itu berdasarkan sumber berkata, pasangan itu bertengkar di parkir Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun Hospital (HRPB) Ipoh.
Ia dipercayai selepas mangsa tidak menyebut nama suaminya ketika menerima satu anugerah baru-baru ini.
"Pergaduhan itu berlarutan sehingga keesokkan hari (semalam) di mana lelaki itu pergi ke hospital berkenaan untuk mencari adik isterinya.
"Ketika kejadian suspek dipercayai mabuk. Bagaimanapun tidak dapat bertemu dengan adik isterinya. Ia menyebabkan lelaki itu dipercayai memukul isterinya.
"Pada 5.54 petang hari sama, pengawal keselamatan menerima laporan daripada seorang jururawat yang mendakwa terlihat seorang lelaki mabuk dengan memegang sabit hendak memasuki salah satu wad hospital berkenaan," katanya.
Sumber sama berkata, suspek dipercayai mencari abang ipar isterinya susulan masalah keluarga.
Sementara itu, Ketua Polis Daerah Ipoh, Asisten Komisioner A. Asmadi Abdul Aziz mengesahkan kejadian itu.
"Kita masih menjalankan siasatan lanjut dan kami percaya kes ini berhubung masalah keluarga," katanya.
Sumber : Harian Metro

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Cara bagaimana untuk "Disable Protected View in Microsoft Excel"

Seringkali kita akan mendapat mesej seperti di bawah: Protected View, Be careful- files form the internet can contain viruses. Unless you need to edit, it's safer to stay in Protected View.

Mesej yang sering kali dipaparkan semasa membuka fail yang ada, kes ini saya hadapi apabila mula menggunakan Office365

Kadang-kadang file yang kita ingin buka itu ada file sendiri yang bukan dari internet tetapi di dalam hardisk atau pendrive kita sendiri, tetapi mesej tersebut tetap juga keluar, dan apabila hendak save pula keluar lagi mesej mengatakan ia tidak dapat disave kerana file tersebut ialah read only. Aik sejak bila pula kita set dia read only. Pelik bin ajaib kan.

Mesej tidak boleh save kerana fail adalah read only, leceh betul
Terdapat beberapa cara untuk mengatasi masalah ini:

1. Kaedah paling mudah dan selamat untuk mengatasi masalah ini adalah dengan hanya mengklik butang Enable Editing, setiap dokumen, semasa anda membuka fail Excel (atau pejabat Microsoft lain) yang telah dimuat turun. Leceh lah setiap kali hendak buka file kena klik begini kan?

2. Sebagai pilihan, anda boleh memilih untuk mematikan ciri Protected View dalam Excel sehingga anda tidak lagi menerima amaran setelah membuka fail Excel yang telah dimuat turun. Di Excel pergi ke File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Protected View, dan kemudian hapus uncheck diaktifkan Protected View Diaktifkan untuk fail yang berasal dari Internet.
Klik Options-Trust Center-Trust Center Settings

Terdapat juga, dalam Trust Center Settings, Macro Setting yang boleh anda gunakan untuk mengaktifkan Semua Makro secara lalai. Ketahuilah bahawa mengaktifkan ciri ini membolehkan kod yang berpotensi berbahaya dijalankan.
Pilihan untuk enable/tidak enable Protected View

Sekiranya salah satu daripada tetapan Trust Center ini diubah, anda perlu berhati-hati dengan fail Excel yang dibuka.

Itu sahaja untuk kali ni. Terima kasih semua ya.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Kes Covid19 di Sabah setakat 23hb Jun 2020

Kes Covid19 setakat 23hb Jun 2020Add caption

KOTA KINABALU: Sebanyak dua kes Covid-19 baharu dicatatkan di Sabah, hari ini, menjadikan jumlah keseluruhan kes yang pernah direkodkan kini sebanyak 366 kes.

Dua kes baharu itu dicatatkan di daerah Tuaran iaitu daripada kluster MDR (meninggal di rumah) membabitkan seorang warga tempatan dan seorang warga asing.